Monday, December 26, 2011

"Black Swan" Fund Creator Explains Why Central Planning Has Doomed Us All | ZeroHedge

"Black Swan" Fund Creator Explains Why Central Planning Has Doomed Us All | ZeroHedge: "he conifer takes root where no one else will go (think cold, short growing seasons and rocky, nutrient-poor soil). Here, they find the time, space and much-needed sunlight to thrive early on and build their defenses (such as height, canopy and thick bark). When fire hits, those hardy few conifers that survive can throw their seeds onto newly cleared, sunlit and nutrient-released space. For them, fire is not foe but friend. In fact, the seed-loaded cones of many conifers open only in extreme heat.

This is nature's model: overgrowth, followed by destruction of the overgrowth, and then the subsequent new growth of the healthiest and most robust, which ultimately leaves the forest and the entire ecosystem better off than they were before."

'via Blog this'

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