Friday, September 12, 2008

Major Conflict

Major Conflict: "having a hard time understanding how Americans think anymore.

Not all Americans, of course. I can relate to my fellow Democrats
and I understand hardcore Republicans who will always support
whatever candidate is most likely to promote the needs of the
military-industrial complex.

But the swing voters and perpetually undecideds and independents
are a real puzzle. They seem to be totally disconnected from
our nation's recent history and who was responsible for the
good times and who was responsible for the bad times.

The last seven and a half years have been a real mess and we've had a Republican president. No matter how many times John McCain uses the word 'maverick' per hour, doesn't it
seem only fair he (being the GOP nominee) should have to shoulder some of the blame for the problems his party has caused?

And on the flip side, shouldn't the Democrats (especially Obama)
get some credit for belonging to the party of Bill Clinton...
a leader who presided over our last era of peace and prosperity?
Posted by J. Marquis at 4:39 PM 7 comments"

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