Saturday, February 21, 2009

Official: Obama wants to halve budget deficit

Official: Obama wants to halve budget deficit: "Obama's proposal for the 2010 fiscal year that begins Oct. 1 projects that the estimated $1.3 trillion deficit he has inherited from former President George W. Bush will be halved to $533 billion by 2013. That's a difference of 9.2 percent of the overall economy now vs. 3 percent in four years.
'We can't generate sustained growth without getting our deficits under control,' Obama said in his weekly radio and Internet address that seemed to preview his intentions. He said his budget will be 'sober in its assessments, honest in its accounting, and lays out in detail my strategy for investing in what we need, cutting what we don't, and restoring fiscal discipline.'"

Compliments of Yahoo:

Keep your eye on the prize!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

GM, Chrysler seek billions more, to cut more jobs

GM, Chrysler seek billions more, to cut more jobs: "Chrysler said it will cut 3,000 more jobs and stop producing three vehicle models.
The grim reports came as the United Auto Workers union said it had reached a tentative agreement with GM, Chrysler and Ford Motor Co. on contract changes. Concessions with the union and debt-holders were a condition of the government bailout.
GM said it could need up to $30 billion from the Treasury Department, up from a previous estimate of $18 billion. That includes $13.4 billion the company has already received. The world's largest automaker said it could run out of money by March without new funds and needs $2 billion next month and another $2.6 billion in April."


Thursday, February 5, 2009

Vote Now!

Vote Now!: "Zetsche said he thinks the public is only willing to pay for fuel saving technology that can be paid back in a short time, three to four years at the most. On the economy, Zetsche said the slowdown has not had much impact on Daimler's business so far. This means that Daimler customers are not jumping on the subway, at least not the ones that sell real estate, he joked"

Was it taken out of time, or out of context asked the publisher'e editor.

The Writers

Yes!!!! I found it.

Found what asked the highly overpaid, undertrained, overtired worker on the factory shop floor?

The suitcase with the cash!

"What suitcase with the cash?" The shop steward now left his post to hear the gossip on the factory shop floor. What is the horrible sound ? asked Shop Stew

Oh that's just the safety inspection failed whistle, we hear that all the time!

We'll shut the darn thing off, I'm trying to hear the latest from Zetsche, he just got back from DC! stated Stew clearly giving a direct order.

Sure, whatever your my Union Rep, oUo W. shut the switch, now it was just the usual clanging, blanging, sparks flying from the spot welder line, of the old assembly line.

A blast of Hard Rock music came pouring into the machine workers parking lot. One buy one everyone of the 140 different assembly lines came to a screaching halt as people started to line up for the roach coach to purchase some greasy heroes, burgers, and burrittos. Others walked swiftly to their lockers grabbing their lunches snacks a coffee.

Yes! The 10:30 AM break, life on the line does not get better then this except of course at the 12 noon lunch hour!

Stew and oUo W. abruptly stopped talking. The break stops everything. That was the first thing that was explained during the mandatory 3 hour training session for new line workers. Zetsche wae s left standing alone tightly gripping onto the suitcase full of cash he just brought back from D.C.

Real satire from A.M. Sanders.
The Writers